Saturday, March 24, 2012

Full Bloom

Years ago, I went to Japan on a school-related trip.  Until that trip, I was unaware of my stunning allergy to cherry trees.  Of course, we visited in spring, when the trees were in magnificent full bloom.  Breathtaking.  No really... I couldn't breathe.  My throat closed up, itchy and swollen, my eyes waters, my nose itched and my sinuses caved in on themselves.

Up until that point, I had wanted my whole yard filled with them.  Now, suffering from their terrible beauty, I wish every one of them within 50 miles of my house were yanked up and sent back to Japan.

I prefer to enjoy my cherry trees from afar...or better yet, in serene, poetic Asian art.

Another spring gem that I'd like to send back to wherever it originated, the hornet, was spotted spinning angrily above the back door this afternoon.

So....I guess this means it's official - Spring has sprung.

Oh...and the front rug is already covered with pussy willow tufts.  So, there's that, too.  Now I get to vacuum those up along with the already out of control display of fur clumps from various shedding animals in the house.

While I am definitely a fan of the returning sun and blue sky, I could do without a few of these inconveniences.  As it stands, I suppose I am at least happy to know that they lead to warm summer days ahead.

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