Anyone who knows my line of work will understand that any excuse I could give right now for not writing would be silly. I am worn out and just plain uninspired.
However, the work must continue.
And so...tonight: the topic is food! Or more specifically life without GOOD FOOD.
Awhile ago, I saw a news clip on food deserts. I'd never heard of such a thing or even imagined such a place might exist in the U.S. But, wow! What a horrible situation.
I think about how spoiled we are here on the peninsula. Even though we are far away from the big city, we have local farms, farmers markets, local natural grocery stores (as well as all the main stream markets with fresh produce and butchers and bakeries).
Most nights, my son eats an array of fresh, often local, vegetables, fruits, meats, and grains. He doesn't have to subsist on the cheapest available product (which is also usually the most unhealthy). It really upsets me that our poorest citizens are pushed to this. Wonder bread, macaroni and cheese, and canned tuna are no way to live. Our poorest families should easily be able to afford milk, whole grain peasant breads, cheese, peanut butter, and fruits and vegetables. Meat might be a luxury, but nutrition shouldn't be. It's crazy that processed crap is cheaper than old-fashioned, pronounceable-ingredient food. Grrr...
Check this out:

Chicago Magazine: The Food Desert
The Food Desert Website
The White House response
Ultimately, those of us who do not currently live in one of these regions or in a situation that forces us to decide between eating well or having heat or a home should count our lucky stars and deeply appreciate the food access we have.
I will say, it was even something we noticed when we traveled abroad. A salad in Ireland was a far cry from a salad made in my own kitchen. Crazy.
We just don't know how lucky we are sometimes.
Enjoy your dinner. I think I will have a fresh nectarine for dessert!
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