Not all birds detest their cage...especially if they hold the key.
Most of us are in a continual state of metamorphosis. We change, we grow, we get older. Sometimes, we are completely transformed overnight by experience. The majority of the time, it is gradual...hardly noticeable. And then one day, we look back, realizing that who we once were is a distant memory, barely recognizable, but still a part of us. We become a revised version, never quite a final draft.
I've been blogging for years. Project after project. Always exploring some facet of myself and the world around me. I make sense of things through writing. A favorite quote of mine: "How do I know what I think until I see what I say?" (E.M. Forster).
So, welcome to my daydreams.
For those of you who have followed me...enjoy this new leg of the journey.
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