Monday, November 14, 2011

One room at a time

Some time ago...I was complaining to a friend about how difficult it was to keep up as a working mom. Coming home from work to face laundry, cleaning, was all just too much. Especially when I'm trying to fit in time with the family, time to exercise, and time to just kick back and relax (do people who work do that anymore?). She blessed me with this little gem of advice. Clean ONE room...and only one room...each night. Yep...that is pretty much manageable. Housecleaning under control? Check. Of course, there are nights when the vacuuming can't be ignored and the laundry is getting out of hand. So on those nights, I skip cleaning a room and focus on a chore that spans the whole household. So, it become this revised rule of household maintenance for the time-challenged: ONE. Clean ONE room or do ONE major chore. And leave it at that. The rest can wait.

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