Monday, January 17, 2011

Toothpaste showdown

In this corner...Burt's Bees Natural Whitening Toothpaste w/Fluoride, Peppermint.
In the other corner...Tom's Whole Care toothpaste w/Fluoride, Wintermint.

As far as ingredients go, these two are pretty similar.

As far as price...Tom's takes the cake (around $2 cheaper than the Burt's for 1.2 more ounces).

Buuuuuuuut....when it comes to the "brushing experience", the Burt's is the clear winner. It is a thicker paste, so you need less of it, and it seems to "stick to the teeth" better for a better clean overall. Tom's is thinner and produces a lot of foam. Also, Burt's just tastes better.

Sooooo...for this family will be sticking with the bee. (The kiddo uses the non-fluoride kids' version. Both the adult and the kid toothpastes include cranberry extract as the plaque-fighting agent.)

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