Well, it was time. Past it, probably. Time to ditch the plastic travel coffee mugs (they were tasting a bit like soap, anyhow) and this year's stainless water canteens. But, don't worry, we didn't throw them away. We simply passed them on the thrift store.
We opted, instead, for some new stainless mugs and two new wide-mouth (easier to clean) water canteens. Got the mugs at Ross ($7) and the canteens at Wholesale Sports in Silverdale ($4).
And while we are on the subject of drinking clean - I think it's time to clean the coffee pot (add about a cup of vinegar in a full pot of water and let it run through a drip cycle once, then do another cycle with just water...guaranteed, your coffee will taste better) and check the water filter on the fridge (don't think we've done that since we bought it.
One last thought...don't just drink clean, drink water like it's going out of style. Winter dehydrates our skin and bodies, so it's even more important to hydrate continually throughout the day. It's something I struggle with, which is why we try to take our water canteens everywhere. I challenge myself to drink two full ones per work day and then a full 20 oz. glass in the morning and two after work. Plus, if you drink coffee like me, usually about 2-3 cups in the morning...the caffeine dehydrates you, too. So it's important to drink extra water to make up for it. I'm by no means great with that, but I'm trying and have definitely done better this year than last. It helps that I've nixed the caffeine in every other way and don't drink soda except for on very rare occasions. That stuff will rot your tummy and your teeth! But, then, you knew that.
Also, water replenishes the brains ability to work well. A dehydrated brain is a slow one. It doesn't remember like it is supposed to or problem-solve well.
So, do yourself a favor this holiday season...buy yourself a water canteen.

They're everywhere nowadays. Plus, they make an excellent stocking stuffer for others.
And to go with the stainless steel travel mugs...coffee cards from your local coffee shop. Easy, inexpensive, and appreciated by all.
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