Sunday, May 2, 2010

Composting, long-distance story time, and Costa Rica

Just a smattering of thoughts tonight.

I've been busy evaluating some work from a group of clients. Last week we did some group activities relating to recycling and garbage. At the end of the week, I had them do some reflection on what they learned and how the project modified their behavior. Of the 20 reflections that were submitted, 5 related that their families started a compost as a result of what was learned. How cool is that?! Now it's about frigging time I did it as well. They have some fairly inexpensive ones at Costco right now, so this week might be the time!

Onto another fun story. On CNN last Friday, a story was run that really made me smile. Since I'm pretty obsessed about the importance of reading, especially parents reading to their children, this one really hit home. With my military upbringing, I can see how this might make a huge difference in the lives of military kids and their deployed soldier parents! Check out this link to "United Through Reading"

And finally, my feel-good song of the moment - Vince Vaccaro "Costa Rica"


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