Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I'm tired and I don't really give a sh**

Yep...I said it. I'm tired...and I don't. And yet...I still came home today, and without any outside motivator, got my shoes on and ran.


It's not at all like me to not even try to talk myself out of exercise...but today, I just didn't give myself the chance. Since D. was picking up the little bean, I was completely on my own. And also, since he didn't run last night because of a muscle injury, I figured I was going to be on my own tonight anyway. Best to get it over with before he came home and gave me an excuse to just say "screw it" and follow in his stead.

So, yes. I did what I did not want to do, and I feel better for having done it. And that's about the best I can do tonight.

Anyone can do something when they WANT to do it. Really successful people do things when they don't want to do it.--Dr. Phil

So he's a quack psychologist...but I liked the quote. And it seemed to fit.

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