Sunday, May 16, 2010

Composting Basics

Woke up this morning in normal zombie mode...and dumped the coffee grounds in the garbage can...DOH! It's gonna take some time to create new habits. So far, so good, though. I think this is going to make a real difference in the amount of garbage we actually throw out. Since I'm just more aware of it anyway, I think through pretty much every choice.

For example, today, instead of putting my peanut butter sandwich (on a multi-grain thin-wich) in a plastic baggie, I found the perfect-sized tupper-ware dish. I washed up a plastic spoon at school and re-used it for my yogurt (from the big container so we produce less waste) and granola (which we buy in bulk at Sunny Farms). Let me just point out that while these normal everyday actions might not seem like a big deal...they never would have happened 6 months ago. So, all these little changes really have added up to a new way of life.

We also, though quite unintentionally, had a Meatless Monday today! Might even have a Meatless Tuesday if I have my way with the menu. I really wanted bruschetta tonight, but we didn't have a red onion or enough fresh maybe we will have that tomorrow. Tonight, it was layered beans, cheese, onions, and olives...with chips. Might not sound like dinner, but it was TASTY! are a few helpful sites I found on the interwebs. For anyone new to composting, here's the scoop:

75 Things You Can Compost

A City Girl's Guide to Country Gardening: Lazy Composting

How to Cure a Stinky Compost System

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