Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Purge - winning and losing I started off so well today...took a travel mug with homemade coffee instead of stopping at Starbucks on my way to Silverdale (I usually avoid buying coffee, but it is my little travel indulgence). AND...drum roll please...I left my credit card at home (yah, I had a hard time swallowing for a few minutes over that one). So, I purged my wallet of a very dangerous little piece of plastic. The others will be joining it tomorrow.

Then, I ended up buying a soda...a bottle of water...buying several items made in China. Though, in my defense...two of the items were actually on my list: a potty chair attachment for the regular toilet and some extension tracks for my little guy's train set. The unplanned items...a pair of Levi's for the husband, a sweater (at 80% off) at Kohl's and a shirt at Romy's...still nothing to wear out on New Year's Eve, but as we are currently sort of drawing a blank over what to do tomorrow night, I might not have any need to have something special to wear; might be just another jeans and t-shirt kind of night.

I did buy the Burt's Bees shaving cream for D. yesterday, and it went over okay - not the foamy stuff he's used to, but he said he didn't mind it. Yay!

Still a bust on the non-aluminum deodorant. Not a fan of how quickly the Alba or the Kiss My Face versions wear out every few hours. So, I'm still on the hunt. I'll let you know (need to know more about why aluminum is supposedly bad? Do a quick Google search - lots of stuff out there - make your own decision).

Ate no red meat today. An unexpected and unplanned bi-product of unintentional cravings.

So, all in all, not a great day, but not a bad day, either.

I'll try to do better tomorrow.

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