Thursday, December 31, 2009

Purge - next steps/Preview to small change #1 "purging" is going to take a bit longer than initially expected. Since company is here, I haven't had as much time to "clean out" as I would normally have had. This weekend or next will include cleaning out the pantry (though I did throw out the remaining holiday cookies and treats this morning and said no to the brownie last night - major surge of willpower there) and cleaning out the storage room. Both will be something that D. and I do together - the last time I cleaned out the storage room on my own it led to marital instability, and I still hear about how he can't find anything anymore because I reorganized it without him being there to provide input).

Today's plans for purging: I will clean off my desk today...and clean out the desk drawers. It hasn't been done since we redid the office this last summer, so it's about time. Plus, every time I clean the damned thing, I have to be reminded of all the unfinished, unedited pieces waiting for me to complete, polish and submit for publication SOMEWHERE!!! Maybe it will inspire me to get on with the work I have been putting off all break (though, I'm not feeling too guilty about it at this point - I needed the down time), reorganized and modify the financial plan, put together our will materials (another semi-major expedition planned for the upcoming year), centralize the tax documents/receipts, and throw out the unnecessary crap. I'm sure I will also find bills that need to be paid, letters that require response (I never did do holiday cards this year - partially because I wasn't interested in wasting all that paper product, but never had time for the alternative, more environmentally friendly "e-letter").

Somehow, I'll have to get this done after a trip to stimulate the local peninsula economy by shopping in Port Townsend. I usually don't shop for fun...but, we are on the tail end of week #2 trying to keep family entertained, so we are off to see the sights! Plus, if I have to shop, I very much prefer the mom and pop type stores like the wonderful ones found in PT. They also have a fabulous second-hand store (one of my shopping weaknesses) and a great Co-op. I will probably also make an attempt at finding organic cotton sheets, since yesterday took us to Silverdale instead (not a place conducive to finding anything other than factory-made imports). Added bonus to shopping in PT...the brewery and Fort Worden -- looks like a rather dreary day for a walk on the trails by the water, but as long as it doesn't rain, I think it will be a go!

Preview to "small change #1" number one (unplug small appliances in the kitchen and bathroom when not in use) - it's a silly little power drain.

And check out this internet resource: The David Suzuki Foundation

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