I'm a documentary junky. I can't explain it, and I know it might be a little weird, but I love learning through visual and auditory means. Plus, it's quick - I can learn all about something I have had no experience with in a flash (or maybe an hour or two).
Just a few days ago, my acupuncturist recommended a new one - so I am passing on the suggestion, as it seems timely. What with the weather turning cold and dark, we Pacific Northwesterners have a propensity toward seasonal affective disorder. November seems as a good a time as any to brush up on our "happy".
The Website
What makes you happy? I, personally, am on the search for this answer myself. Winter, the time of introspection (at least for me - since I'm holed up in my house all the time), always ends up leading me back to this question. So, over the course of November, I'm going to be trying some things to help me out with this. I'll share the tools I find...and the ones I've already found - just in case you want to follow me.
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