Monday, February 22, 2010

Back on the Trail's nice to see that brilliant ball of light in the sky again! I realize it may only be temporary, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless...even though it brought with it the cold and the frost.

In the early morning, there is ice on my windshield. By mid-day, it is crisp and bright. And in the evening, the frigid air rolls back in to camp out and make ice crystals all over our lawn.

The nicest thing about the return of the sun is that we can now go back to the trail. Our treadmill can take a vacation, and our feet can hit asphalt and gentle, real hills while our lungs ingest fresh air that has almost left the stench of wet, dank, winter behind.

All around us, crocuses are bulging up out of the earth, blooming purple and white.

The trail is hardly beautiful yet. But, it is a far cry from staring at the wall, listening to the monotonous hum of a machine. At least there are birds to hear, clouds to watch, and I can take the dogs.

The dogs were pleased. And it was obvious that it has been too long. The fat husky took nearly half the walk to find her stride and remember how to behave on a leash. And on the way back, even if she hadn't, she'd slowed down so much she stopped pulling and gave up. The last few blocks found her walking behind me, leash slack and dragging on the ground.

Really, more than anything, though the walk was cold and still rather dreary, it was nice to be able to walk at 5:30 and make it back before the moon filled the sky. It is a small promise of spring. And a small promise is all this sun-deprived northwesterner needs to feel hope.

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