Sunday, January 10, 2010

Families who clean together...

So, we took yesterday off to head over to Port Townsend. It was a bust (though we did find a couple of excellent new CD's at their little record store). The cheapest sheets I could find were 95$ on sale (the store is called Monsoon). They had a lot of nice stuff, but little that I would call affordable, so we'll try Swains, Jim's...and then it's off to the internet.

I tried to go in a few stores after we had lunch, but the munchkin was having none of it. He was intent on going to the beach, so that's where we went. Having tried the PT thing with a toddler, however, we have learned that it isn't a real "kid friendly" town. So, next time we go, it will be sans child.

We dropped the critter off at grandma's last night so we could have a little adult time. We had no specific plans but ended up at the newly re-opened Kokopelli Grill. I have one, let's make it three: absolutely freaking unimpressed. The food was decent, and not too took us 25 minutes to get our first drink. Bread came about 10 minutes later with D.'s soup, but there were no bread plates. D. never got a steak knife, even though he ordered steak. My salad came without dressing...and it took me several minutes to get our waiter's attention to bring me some. Somehow, though, the check arrived right on time. We usually tip high...but last night, it was 10%...and that was too much. Training staff, being busy, none of that is an excuse to ignore your customers. Other people got up and walked out, they got so tired of waiting. Even an offer to buy our first drinks or a desert or give us 10% off our next visit...anything would've been a save for them. But, it didn't seem to occur to them to do anything other than apologize.

We traveled to a few of our other favorite local haunts after that. And now, since we took yesterday pretty much off, we have lots to do around the house. That means it is family cleaning day. We pretty much take it from one side of the house to the next and clean, clean, clean: sweeping, vacuuming, de-cluttering, cleaning bathrooms. That way it can re-accumulate throughout the week when we are too busy to do anything about it or care. Plus, if everyone gets involved it makes it go faster. Even the little one gets involved, singing his clean up song over and over as he takes one item at a time to his room and places it somewhere else it doesn't belong.

And, of course, there will be more laundry. I only managed two loads yesterday, so I suppose my septic system is pleased with me. I'm pretty sure I have more than 4 loads left. But, I'll space them out through the day...and may save some for later in the week. I am going to have to do a whites load with my washable shower curtain is turning pink at the bottom (a bad sign here in the northwest). One thing that does make laundry go faster is having quick dry towels...they don't take up as much space in the wash as normal bath towels (we also re-use our towels pretty much all week, so all of us only contribute one towel to the week's laundry pile. Also, they don't mildew and they dry out completely before you take a shower the next day or again at night.)

But, one nice rather big change...I refuse to do any "work" today. I'll do the check book, and the budget, and scrub toilets, but I will not do one ounce of WORK. That's final.

D. will, though. He's got homework up the wazoo. So, we had probably better get with this "family cleaning" thing.

P.S. A few items mentioned in this blog entry -
Why Vinyl Shower Curtains May Be Toxic To Your Health: understandably, there are two sides to every debate; I've seen research to refute the health effects of vinyl. But, I'm not willing to take the chance...besides, washable is mare sustainable because it lasts longer and can be re-used and recycled.

Quick dry cotton towels...I bought mine at JCP - Linden Street...100% cotton. Very soft...though D. liked the old, regular towels better because he thought they felt more substantial. He gave in, though. And I've managed to trade out all the towels in the house to JCP has sales on them all the time.

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